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Introduction to Docker
Course Introduction (4:34)
Instructor Introduction (2:28)
Checking out from GitHub (7:51)
Introduction to Docker
Introduction (0:50)
What is Docker? (14:19)
Docker Editions (9:17)
Installing Docker (1:48)
Hello World with Docker (3:50)
Docker Hub (6:06)
Introducing KiteMatic (3:20)
Assignment - Run Hello World Nginx (1:00)
Conclusion (1:03)
Working with Containers and Images
Introduction (1:51)
Running Mongo DB Docker Container (10:00)
Assignment - Download and Run a Spring Boot Project (1:17)
Assignment Review (5:52)
Docker Images (7:49)
Docker Files (8:00)
Non Persistent Container Storage (7:36)
Assigning Storage (9:29)
Assignment - Run Rabbit MQ Container (2:27)
Assignment Review (7:55)
Assginment - Run MySQL in a Container (2:32)
Assignment Review (7:10)
Docker House Keeping (8:35)
Flash Cards (7:09)
Conclusion (1:48)
Docker Editions
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